close enough to hear your breath,

warmed by your feelings affectionate,

cruising on the sail of life,

in your arms in darkness of the night.

enchanting melodies sway my locks,

your graceful touch embraces the fall,

drowning in the emotions flooded,

my heart sings an amorous song!

floating in the land of fantasy,

coming back to the reality,

i find myself in your embrace

sleeping calmly …

in the echoes of the  LIED!


LIED:( german art or  love song!)



33 thoughts on “GERMAN LIED

  1. I like this. I read your title as the past tense of “lie” – and I was pretty far into the poem before I realized. But it was a pleasant surprise.

    1. 🙂 🙂 so the mystery took you into the depth and by the time you realized ,the poem was over! sorry for that! but good you enjoyed it as a pleasant surprise!

  2. …………..exquisite, and I love the ‘hook’ of the lie (the meaning not what we expected to find)……….and I’m so glad, for initially, it broke my heart. 🙂 ~ Love to you, my dear one. ~ Bobbie

    1. 🙂 I guess everyone who started reading the poem had a mindset to find the “LIE” …and in the end,the climax just wiped off everything! Thanks dear that you still liked it!

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