




With  the wings of the  clouds

where art thou   vanished ,

within the folds of time,

disappeared like a volatile…


Your presence is etched in memories,

the heart too misses the symphony,

the flowers of love bloom alone,

the misty air can only hear other cacophonies…


 My soul beckons  you in solitude,

the lonely heart  echoes your name,

advent of spring bedecks the earth,

I wait for your comeback again!





Weekly photo challenge : ILLUMINATION

Light illumines… everything…. a dark place, a lost soul, a gloomy heart and a confused mind!DSC00153 DSCF0093-001 DSCF0286 God dwells everywhere! DSCF1032 DSCF1101 DSCF1242 DSCF1284 IMG_2458 IMG_2494 IMG_2521 IMG_3137 P1000324 P1000785