
While there is a noise in the inner
as whispers,utters,pangs
resounding in corners of heart
as the blood travels up and down
through unnamed veins
randomly anywhere or for a while
..stands still and freezes
The warmth of the ablaze
doesn't keep it alive
But the truth of conscience
the volitions of actions
paves the way...for the
soul to breathe and voyage...

-soumya vilekar


What appeared as the oasis in vast desert
Was merely a mirage
When alerted mind for rough terrains
It got delusioned by illusory smooth ways
Harder the conscience echoes
Deafer the logic
Screams the intuition to choose the other corridor
While steps already tread the pathway...
Where from.. how then
Forbids the soul to its mate
The mind never listens to heart
Tis the tussle of ages...

Let time then steer the wheel
Let divine clear the rouble...
Trust the process and predetermined existence
That shall make the tryst happen...

@soumya vilekar

The Roadway

would it..
will it not?
the roadway to the final destination
would carry the fragrance of
soil... dried leaves and the sweat along?
will it spread the nostalgia of sojourn
while the swaying branch bends to
 brush the tresses
Will the dust speak of the crimson sunset
floating in the air
or of the wading birds bidding adieu
to lakes and pollen of distant flowers
will the anchor of sail...sing tale
of rough weathers
or the vessel explain the trembles of
turbulent waters
would the altar of purpose...
reverberate nuances of the voyage
Breathe then... inhale the redolence ;
...like a feather this
will vanish forever...lost,
 in the treading soil
of the travel...

@ Soumya

For Another Dawn

Window of thoughts open
A li'l birdie sitting on sill
Voices names of
Distant hills and flowers
"You know ‘em"
Asked,  the moon
"Nope, they are my
Wishful dreams ,
I have treasured…"
 -"Forgotten in chores of surviving
my true companions
grains I collect and few twigs dry
nest I have , yet breath I lost by"
"Wish I  spread my  delicate feathers
Flutter and fly
 to the distant crimson horizon
Sunsets , rivers, clouds I shall kiss
abide the trail and return
in minutes…"
The birdie sang,
"for another dawn ,
 for another morn
I shall sing melodies
of hope ,I reckon"


The String of Karma

The cycle of life runs
 re brings forth
 landscape of virtual apprehensions
like old Travellers on crisscross roads;
startled by new endeavours, eyes challenge the existence
gaze upon the-
credibility of uniqueness and fervour
status quo of minds question, in pretence
 on frisson  thoughts of dharma;
O! Time , Isn’t it a compulsion
To be beaded in the decked choker woven by
benign hands
Sequined by our actions
adorn thy flair
 in beguiling life
The string of Karma ties and pulls in all directions…




In the crimson colours of twilight

as the wind kisses past

a fragrant flower shies

heart fills in redolence

and survives

through the mighty mountains

whence a river flows

The canary sings in quarantine

Hail ! O clouds ! quench the aridness of my world

Hail ! O mighty sun! Shine on the darkness of my earth

Hail! O Heart ! Cherish moments of joy or strife

Hail ! O Soul! Forgive and wish welfare of mankind

Hail ! O Human ! Treasure and Value the Gift of Life



Well! Nothing stopped us
The business of being busy 
till we were drop dead
few breaths we skipped
lesser we slept
strangers to ourselves
aliens to our shelter & ceilings …

The shelves smelt same
nostalgia of place
Times Stands still 
until we let the  reminiscences be...

The fragrance of incense sticks
blooms of jasmine
tiny leaves of a home creeper
awaiting to be seen...

A sumptuous dinner table 
an exotic cuisine
love and warmth poured in 
alongwith spices and margarine...

Oh ! What went wrong,
or what went right
we are back to our nests
 birdies in embrace...

Forget not ever
the truth unveiled
Often we walk again 
without bit of realizing....
