Within the unfold petals of time,

the eternal fragrance is contained since infinity,

the pollens of thought get scattered away …

with the sway of  wind,  stings of bees,

feathers of birds in different ways…

like the intellects chase  knowledge and go astray…


The mind of anther still isn’t ripe,

to contain within…

the real feelings of time…

shielded by thick curtains of ego,

it remains always beside….








The stigma ,   when perceives,

by the stimulus of the touch,

in the senses of the flower,

the petals tend to unfurl their folds,

radiating the real flora…


Whose touch it was!

the innocent flower imagines…

It was the eternal magical touch…

which pushed it on the path  divine…


Until then it lay foolishly,

scattering the pollens in different directions,

unwisely it had foreclosed

 the doors of its precious anther.


The moment the light dawned upon..

the floral contours of the flower,

It shined and reflected the aura …

of a divine communion….


For every loving daughter!  Few words from the  heart of a mother! My daughter is very small ,but today I wish to post about daughters from each corner of the world who have adorned their parents house with love and affection by their presence…



















On a blessed morning ..the golden voice I heard,

sweet as honey,

melodious as cardinal,

dazzling the surroundings by  your presence…

with  an aura you welcomed in our lives,

the sphere of happiness to rejoice…








Crawling tender knees …moving the places,

turning,changing sides was a so  picturesque,

with small steps you gradually toddled,

falling and shaking on our nuances…


Golden straws of the blue expanse ,

you picked up  up with love,

to build our home,

bonding , attaching every string amongst everyone!


Small tiny  fingers held,

the pencil,the pen wherever they went,

colouring,painting,writing dreams,

books to read and more to examine…









Like beautiful bud, you blossomed,

swaying freshness with tranquil pleasure,

fragranced petals of your life,

will soon be carried away from our life…


Bedecking the world of someone you love,

far away to a different world,

the golden straws that you had brought..

still lie there even in drought…

missing your gentle touch of affection…

and your echoing laugh unsung…


the garden of our life…

seems lonely without your smile…

But somewhere we are contended…for 

our little girl,

is now somebody’s wife! 


adorning his world,

tying new strings…

busy again in her own beings…

with her little ones to watch…


A new nest of warm nestle,

with cuddled little ones of her dreams,

The little one now upkeeps this life,

to bring sprightliness in  everyone’s smile…









Buried deep beneath the storms of survival,

losing the real scent of  affection,

running and functioning with a dead brain’s  hammer,

lost is the innocent smile we nurtured….


Struggling suffocating in smoke chambers,

popping up pills for illness and assumed  dangers,

have we  ever stopped and thought…

What exactly is the  purpose of  such endeavour?


Dissecting conscience ,piercing needles into heart,

torturing the conscious with several confusions,

comforts,luxuries, prestige and status,

What does the soul really crave in for…?


The instinctive smile that shined…

…is mazed in the world of hypocrisy,

Searching for its own radiance…

the precious one gets bewildered!
















Precious beads of love I weave together delicately,

creating a garland around your heart ,

with string of the philiac…


Adorning you with chaplets of  tender flowers of my wish,

bedecking your  soul with my musical harmony….










Diamonds,pearls envy the indigenous make,

devoid they remained of being  woven with such grace…



Coronal wreath or a  florilegium ,

It embellishes your contours of  existence…

disseminating  ambrosial essence,

for  the aeonian passionate presence…


Origami in the imagination,
flourishing ideas surface ,
sailing paper boat moves swiftly…
in the muddy waters along the gate….
jumping,sliding through the waves,
getting stuck on every bend,
little boat of imagination,
floating innocently in the rains…
down she moves,turns around,
waits for a second and spins to the ground,
again she gets a push from behind,
the queen of dreams sets sailing forthright.
watching the boat and pursuing the trail,
getting wet with the drizzling queen,
running after the white sail,
crossing and leaping each puddle….
Innocent minds run after the boat,
the beautiful one of origami shown,
without  fear of any sort,
the little ones follow their dream path…


A  sculpturesque you ! In the abidance of  my soul,

quivering the atoms of every vein,

ascertaining the congeniality…

of my inner conscious plane,

the glorious aura divergently radiates,

a magnificent  nimbus decks your image…


over mastered in a different state,

ecstatic within to consecrate…

the invoked enchanted embodiment…

Sanctified was  the ephemeral moment ,

Blessed I became   manifesting the inimitable ,

the mystique enfolding my existence,

whose propinquity gave eternal bliss …

The compassion of the grace,

as the snow of Himalayas melt down in streams of rivulets,

the ablution of my soul concurred…

in the eternal presence…


This post is dedicated to my mother who celebrates her birthday today and Iam thousands of miles away from her. ..so thought of wishing her this way!


From the blessings of your soul,

I came in  this world ,

nurtured by your intense affection,

groomed with lots of love…

You infused me  with tender thoughts,

inculcating in me the traditions of every form…

You ! A  reflection of immaculate self,

Patience that is endless even in storms and pain,

I grew up with  compassion imbibed within,

to love every soul  that I come across in the life’s stream…

A delicate image of godliness, a rare sight of pristine beauty,

your heart has been a dwelling of devotion and duty…

Life of hardship and struggles you have lead,

still you adjusted in every situation with grace,

 your life has been a blessing of  the God,

who took over all your ails …

to let us be with you for longer period…

I tried to be the one as you had perceived,

The virtues hence I possess have  been your gift…

Sentimental and suave are the only jewels you bedeck,

as we two children are  gems of your life and wealth…

I found myself wordless to describe your existence,

for me you are the  source of my very own endurance…


300th !!!

Hi everyone !

Everyone whom I have followed and each follower who has taken the decision of following me ,its so encouraging because of you all that I could reach this mark of 300th post so easily. It is neither any historical number nor any milestone that I have achieved,but just another milestone on the journey of blogging which somehow makes me feel thankful to all the followers and readers who have inspired me and encouraged me.

I am myself so astonished to find myself writing so many posts and that too almost 90% of them are poems. This world which represents a minuscule of the outer world has given ample opporunities to bloom as an individual and blossom into the most passionate cherishable role.

Iam nevertheless grateful to many fellow bloggers who have supported,accepted,corrected ,rectified me in every way .

I would like to share with you all today a short story which is based on a true life incident.


It was 9.30 in the morning and she  was getting very late for the  school.As she walked past the corridor, a sense of fear shook her back again.

A friend had told her if you just cut out few stitches from the end of your tunic,it will increase in length and will fit you properly below the knees.So you will not have to buy a new one this time and you can use the old dress for the whole year.

Ina few minutes ,she was inside the class  sitting in her place. She was the most brilliant student of the class,who always stood first but was very quiet in nature.Hardly anyone saw her fighting or having a dispute with anyone.

A meek lamb,everyone thought of her or a snob!

She was just 9years old.

Suddenly the class stood up to greet the teacher who had entered the room. She managed to sneak behind the other students ,though she couldn’t manage it.The teacher called byher  name . Mutely she went and stood  near the teacher. The whole class was laughing at her.

A small girl with a white shirt and maroon tunic ,two dangling pigtails on either side ,everything seemed normal. She hadn’t forgotten to wear the  tie either.

Just then the teacher pulled a long piece of the torn tunic that was hanging out down her knees from on side.

The dress was torn and it was clearly visible. She had done as her friend had adviced and it got torn off completely from a place.

The teacher scornfully said,  “You are supposed to be the daughter of a rich businessman,as everybody says, and you aren’t ashamed to wear such a dress in school or is this the style that is in trend nowadays.” And she along with others laughed and mocked.

The little one had tears rolling down from her eyes.

Standing silently,she could not say that her dad had suffered huge financial losses  in last few months and they had to shift to a very small house of three rooms from a palatial place .He was struggling to manage the survival of his family and her mother had been lying on bed due to prolonged sickness since the last few months…


Abandoned on the path of  survival,

lost and strangled by dejecting remarks,

looked down as failures downtrodden,

As being human …was just a  mere conjunction…

Trying  to climb  with balance,

rocky steep and steps terrain,

cliff on a side,another a ravine,

whom to hold while we descent?

Hearts tender, flooding with emotions,

hardly an ear for our expressions,

mediocre called and middling along,

will we ever get any chance to embark on?

Race is the life,we heard and saw,

speed matters … even if  it meant stamping the draw,

routes marked ,still runners cut across,

luck  favours.. ..God looks on!

Imbibed in us the faith of sincerity ,

climbing every step with patience infinity,

we will soon  reach the glorious  shores,

A pinnace waits for us…

… on the banks of destiny…



Around the corner of the street is a shop of sweets,

a small one with the asbestos roof,

aroma saturated till the end of  the road’s zoom…

It is my  favourite spot in the town,

sitting there for hours around…

saturating my senses with the strong smell

is a favourite pastime that I have found…

Iam mute and dumb since  birth,

senses I have only few to run,

words of speech I never learnt,

sound is a stranger in my world…

watching the people throughout,

I muse on the experiences encountered,

gazing at their moving lips ,

I get bewildered and become  confound…

Feelings speckless,

emotions spotless,

my eyes are the only vent ,

to flow with  incessant impressions…

The petty shop along the road,

whose significance few can know,

that how  it feels …

when a beaming smile transmits across,

my deaf and dumb grinning face…