




(photos:google images)


With  the  advent  of winter , the chilled wind  brought

  Memories  of  the old  snowballs,

Thrown  and  caught  with  excitement….

With me ,you  and  few friends  to  play on!


The soft softies  that  melted  slowly  within,

 Freezing  and  numbing  our voice,

as  we licked  and  

Still  the  fun never went  dim…










In the woods where we walked ,

Many times we got deserted  and lost,

Screaming and  yelling  each other’s name,

We often got reunited  in minutes of forlorn ….


The street to the downtown goes  straight,

Often  reminds  of  our innumerable games ,

 Cycling to the end of the world,

We dreamt …

“We would never separate”, we claimed…


The golden ,silvery chilling days…

Are now gone and are  lost ,

in the sands of time  …

like  the morning white frost!


The softy in my hand melts  away ,

The street looks lonely without  our games,

Often  now when  we  are lost ,

There’s  no one to shout and  beckon forth.


Those  days of innocent  childhood,

Which  had  different colors  of hue,

Shall never be back again,

Once vanished in the blue…



From venom in  the ducts of blood,

to the suffocation in the air we breathe,

The blindness in the vision we have,

to the polluted words that we speak…

there’s befoulment at every  step,

contamination of feelings in every molecule of wind…


Infected by egotism,

swelled head is the main reason,

malicious desire of growing up with  riches and ease …

is the sole culprit of the vicious ones.



Condemnable words of rebuking everyone,

deplorable actions which imply the narrowed 

wretched thinkings to pull down others,

reasoning this is the right mode to step up…



Pollution in the air,pollutants are we,

what a place of contamination this ..

beautiful world turn into be?

pitiful ,miserable conditions of the mind and body,

The heart already died while seeing the blasphemy!!!



Innumerable rinses of love and pureness,

several thousand tons of sinless innocence,

innocuous thoughts : impeccant feelings,

Shall once again make this place  worth to live in!



Why is it that I get crushed everytime when the work is done,

extracting every drop of juice from my fibrous stem ,

you leave me dried and shrivelled, lying dead somewhere.




How beautiful I look while Iam alive,

swinging ,swaying in the fields,

flourishing and prospering in the green…









Soothing to eyes ,serene to feel,

freshness to experience the palpate,

long slender leaves of mine…




have you ever watched me  from the hill behind,

Iam a vast expanse of  verdancy ,

In your  brown shaded planet dying…

Or like an innocent heart squeezed 

to lose its shape….

In the organic structure of a Homo sapien!








Ripping the delicate skin apart,

coagulated gets the blood in a mass,

torn soul, with aspires crushed…

dreams killed for honor of the mass…

Flying high with colourful wings,

intermingling , entwining beings,

innocence lives trampled apart,

strangulated life for the honor of the mass…

Will those fascinating birds ever fly,

Shall anyone dare to ask why?

Reason for  effacing the avian,

tossing off just for the honor of  the mass…

The nests are empty ,vacuumness within,

will the souls of mass…ever be in peace,

slaying the lives so guiltless,

do they call themselves sinless?

Every spirit is worthy,

resolving its own entity,

purposing its living on earth,

driving towards the divinely being…








Etched in the transparent minds of innocence,

the distinct reminiscences of the childhood spent,

images created by the surrounding atmospheres,

become an art of living for their ages!




The enamored drawing of  characters ,

the poignant pictures painted on clear textures,

engrave a painting of life with natural behaviour,

enciphering the codes when essential in later years…






An embossion of  sincere impressions,

imprinting with selfless emotions,

engraining a soul with humility ,

with enormous respect to humanity…

shall forge an art of greatest perfection…


All my posts are instantly written and published without editing.Please bear the mistakes till the time Iam travelling. 



Childhood times echoing in a place called home,

giggling ,playing ,running the paths of  growth,

tinkling sound of pennies or crumpled pounds to save,

innocent undiluted love overflowing in every game …


pure bonds with blind belief,

hearts selflessly  wrapped ,

in the love like velvet…


 The earth rotates on its axis,

still changing the sides to be seen,

revolution around the sun is continous,

 fullmoon sometimes bring eclipse alongwith…


raw soft minds never come back,

only if they are kept as intact,

foolishness or cleverly ,

the world moves,

leaving everything else behind in the groove…


A heaven like place wherever it was,

resonates the silence of a broken heart,

days,nights,months and years,

the future now shows a bleak ray

 of hope to nurture…


Innocence radiates all around,

with tiny hands playing in the ground,

melodious the voices are ,

when they utter words  unclear…

Smiling and giggling in their world,

oblivious of the selfish ones,


they never know what it is!!

away from the materialistic nature,

they dwell in an affectionate shelter,

spreading joy and cheerfulness ,

infusing life in the  dead  cells,

possessing energy like no one..

enthusiasm always in fervour..

Ignorance is their jewel,

they are yet to learn and sell,

happiness is their main aim,

sadness is always put to shame.

Heart is a place of sanctum,

they are away from solipsism,

beautiful is the childhood,

as  the children beckon godhead…



Two small curly  pigtails dangling on two sides of a lovely face,

They are tied nicely with blue ribbons which has got a satin lace,

Sweet is this  age ,where innocence sparkles in the eyes,

Life looks beautiful and the people around like winds of chime..


Deep innocent eyes looking at the world with delight,

They hardly know the sadness or the misery of life,

Blessed is this age,where the heart transmits the smile,

Whenever they see something exciting during a walk or a ride..

Pure love and affection is filled in their hearts,

without any  malice and wile like in darts,

They are the unique creations of God,

Who are real images of the Lord..

Although we all are children of the Supreme force,

Yet we have deviated ourselves from the due course,

Detrained we are….from the path of thee,

And have brought devastation to the beautiful earth of  HIM….