Laughing through the trees,

gliding through the slopes,

hopping on every bush of rose,

a lovely sweet birdie chirps,

smiling at the worldly echoes!

since the morning she ‘s out from her nest,

cozying inside she hates and snares,

flying and jumping amidst the plants,

she loves the  virgin  nature…

Astoundingly she watches the sky,

changing colours from dawn till twilight,

running stream and the ripples for seconds,

fleeing next moment to the golden fields …

butterflies ,bees, colourful birds,

in the camouflage of the flowers of the world,

In an awe the birdie learns ,

the amazing ways of being a  bird,

she sings and dances with her little wings,

amusing enough for  a  passer-by to wink…

Till the crepuscle arms her …

back to her nestle…

for  a  warm snuggle….



The minuscule of every matter inspite of being a nanoparticle,
resounds the vibrations of a music that is immortal,
The strings within  the kernel play ,
a profound tone of reverberance…
sonority of whose dwells ,
in the nucleus of each cell…
Plangency of the tunes  floats in the aura,
dampening the  negativism around the persona,
stimulating the ambiance around,
eradicating skeptical ideas…
Music of the nature,music from the heavens,
bedecked with words of glory, 
graces the air,
 diffusing the wondrous magic,
in the zephyr….
Melody of the divinity,
in the resplendence of the deity,
impregnates the atom of every being,
flowing eternally 
with veneration for the Supreme one,
instilling  ardent devotion…


Lost in the dense clouds of pride,

walking arrogantly with every stride,

blind to the vision of the life beyond,

Superbia is the only thing in mind…

Obsessed with self importance,

the thick fog never seems to eradicate..

bemused own thoughts as classical,

rest of the world lies bewildered…

Egoism obscures the psyche and mind,

creating a false mist over the pride,

without self realization it cannot deplete,

Superbia is such an  infectious disease…


The one  who inspires me by his words,

the thoughts of whom  can traverse,

presence of whom spreads smiles across,

a thousand miles sometimes is no far…

The one who makes me write more,

letting my imaginations flow,


sometimes intercepting…

his persona is ever indeed,

a gem in a earthly being… 

An everlasting charm ,

an elegant dream,

perceptions of whom,

can paint beautiful scenes…

Marvelous  is the image of the one,

who has such a tremendous purpose,

in this world of blogging and beyond,

words and thoughts where culminate to become strong…


Numbness in the gaze, focusing for your trace,
distances between through the oceanic range,
A thought forms a feeling till it reaches you,
travelling with the clouds that shower there as rain…
Mixed volatile sentiments bring a soft  smile ,
even a lancinating pain hidden behind for a while,
variety of  emotions get a vent,
As the arms open to embrace life’s condiments…
To breathe is never to live a life,
Life is a beautiful picture of thine,
every colour ,every stroke creating an aura,
black and white shade too had its era,
good,bad or evil are the immense sides,
love,hate and jealousy runs in every spine,
sincere true immaculate are the  thoughts that reign…
the kingdom of thine even in any pain…
Infinite space in between all the souls,
striving to come closer is my endeavour,
distances geographical never effects the mind,
The vacuumness amidst creates a deep ravine…
Standing far away from your self,
still feel  nearer to you,
as you breathe the fresh air,
As if Iam there just beside you…



Being happy is not a crime,

for being content ,

stops your restlessness in mind,

implying you are satisfied

by your strives …

being happy doesn’t mean ,

you have no worries,

neither does it shorten the

worldly flurry,

It is just a state of mind,where

you respect your body and soul

for being harmonised,

Where you accept that

life is not a piece of artefact…

Decorating decking it with

desires and pleasures,

will add to more agony  for sure,

So being wise you opt for happiness,

contentment with self,

smile on your face,

welcoming new challenges

with  humor and silent invisible  pain…

Beneath the embraced silken touch of warmth,
the heart pounds faster with trembling breath,
pulse reaching a higher  note,
when your palm slid around  my hands unfold…
Forted in the firm secured hold,
my soul surges within the cosmic glow,
upheaval my heart dances,
allowing you to clasp me in support!!!
Rythmic flow of  the life within,
reverberates the music serene,
astounding and amazing ,
I remain….
having experienced   
amorous ,   enchanting feeling …


Dearth of depth,lifeless emotions,

superficial expressions,

materialistic aspirations..


The priceless precious life,

wasted in spendthrift celebrations,

callibrated by the goals achieved,

soul less it remains till the last dream…


Intensity of the feelings remain jeopardised,

A simple human being forgets his worth while,

Love, Affection,Simple things,

which bring smile to his face and inner being….

are abandoned on the way,

while running after worldly things….


Happiness counted on pennies earned,

unmindful of the countless golden moments unearthed,

Gem of a person,forgotten by all,

the real character buried before the final call…


How long ? What for ? Shall thy run,

speeding away from the virgin nature,

What gains,what wealth,will it carry forth?

when its name shall also be wiped in the storm…


Stop for a minute ! Stop for a while,

to breathe the fresh air and relive the life,

Gaining the wellwishes,blessings along,

From everyone who’s around in our life long…



Away from the noise of the universe,
Lets go to the other end of the world,
beyond the golden horizon,
where thoughts transcend and become feelings,
deeper than the deepest ocean of living.
Away from the melancholy of the heart,
where the garden of our life becomes blossomed with flowers,
creating music with the chords of our love,
singing the tunes will be  the humble sweet birds…
Away from the life so meaningless,
away from the riches and money minded leeches,
to create  a world of our own,
where tranquility and harmonic  thoughts flow,
love and humanity are the gems known,
where a new era of passion and ardor  embarks…