“Poets”- on my 11 th year of WordPress Blog

This is a special post as I complete 11 years in the WP blogging world out of which the early 3-4 years I had been extremely active. Gradually the activeness here reduced and other activities started simultaneouly but nevertheless, my gratitude to the WordPress Blogging world and my community shall remain forever. As my journey to every destination/ goal started from here.


Here is the special post:

Poets speak truth,

 I presume

in between lines and words

metaphors wrapped in a cosy shawl of emotions

personified as a beautiful bird

flying to an unknown destination

 in a

a silent night sailing

through fluffy clouds of hope and desperation

they assume

they fall,

 they rise and

sometimes become stagnant.

Poets write, poets bleed,

their only treasure the

hidden thoughts

 those which emerge on the blank pages of

a journal.

@ soumya