Written for TRIFECTA CHALLENGE- WEEK SEVENTY http://www.trifectawritingchallenge.com/2013/03/trifecta-week-seventy.html

 LUCKY (adjective)… The third meaning of lucky is to be used.

1: having good luck
2: happening by chance : fortuitous
3: producing or resulting in good by chance : favorable


As I hear few echoing sounds,

the striking  waves rebound,

in the waters , in the winds,

carrying the fragrance of the dreams…

 Flowing rivers carry the soul,

of the wishes that are just born …

moving from place to place,

dreams get distributed around…

 Many  choose the simpler ones,

some opt  for the  real tough ones,

but the lonesome struggler,

 always desires for

a vibrant colorful one…

Challenges numerous ,

difficulties ahead,

he colors his road,

brightly  in red…

Dreams of  passion ,

fantasy in thoughts,

striving in   real…

for the chosen path…


The traveler  dreams of something big,

aiming for the highest peak,

He who dares to walk alone,

with dab of patience and courage can go….

The path to the luciferous   dream isn’t  smooth,

curves and bends, cliffs and terrain will loom,

still the dynamic pedestrian walks,

for his decision is firm as a rock…

Overwhelmed too, the creator gets,

Seeing someone persevere in the best,

He too lends a helping hand,

to the walker in the  distressed land…

Changing the course of the flow,

the Supreme one wants  to show,

Faith and determination 

Can transform the negative forces 

into lucky energies favoring the soul!


  1. Dear Soumya, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your wonderful poetry. It is a feast for my mind and my soul. You often present me with ‘new’ words, too. I love the ‘luciferous’ dream. Bless you, dear friend.

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