Intoxicating atmosphere by the fragrance of the jasmine,

The beauty of the serene night enhances  with the flowers on the branch,dangling,

Glanced,loved,desired for once,to get caressed by the lovely touch …

Enchanting presence makes  the surrounding exhilarating…

Whiteness of the petals reflect the pure innocence,

Untouched is the  virginity’s essence,

retaining their virtous presence,

Unplucked neither to decorate the stages  ,

Nor ever bedecked the scene of  new nuptial compliance…


Till the time they hang on the immaculate branch of love,

Remain oblivious  of the world’s small petty pleasures,

bloomed,blossomed,withered on the same nodes ….

enjoying the spring and summer time weathers…

If ever by destiny,they disembark, from their kingdom of love,

They have a wish buried within, till they breath last,

To touch the lotus feet of the  creator: of the universe,

By  surrendering themselves on the altar of the life’s dimensions..

23 thoughts on “FLOWERS OF JASMINE

  1. Lovely! I love flowers and though it may be a little annoying, but I imagine more of the relationship between lovers as metaphor! The way that the flower looks beautiful while around the branch, the lovers look beautiful in a relationship! So on and so so! 🙂 Hope you dont feel bad for this imagination of mine. Hehe:D

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