
It has been very long,

since we sat together for a cup of tea in the morn,

engrossed in our work although,

the shining hours talked for our silent storm…

crispy papers fluttered beside,

chirping birds sat on the parapet’s hide,

dewy feel in the weather  enthralled..

anyone who stood outside in the lawn…

even though you loved being seated,

on the comfy sofa glued with a small cuppa,

the presence around was admired,

with the mute music playing in the background…

Come again and join me back!

on a cup of tea in hand,

listen to my few words jumbled,

soundless, dumb, calm and still however….


23 thoughts on “A cup of tea!

  1. I have to drink m camomill tea in the future due to lack of money, can´t afford coffee before december 129

              1. yeah i agree, now slowly and slowly i am coming to a realization that “truth is always there in front of us” and with the blessings of Master, each and every bestowed moment is being cherished and relished.

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